A Full Circle of Giving Back - The Glen Wright Story
The Wright Family at their cottage on Four Mile Lake
The importance of giving back to the community is something Glen Wright learned from his parents as a young boy. Glen’s story brings his life full circle from his start in Bethany, to his family cottage on Four Mile Lake, to building a successful career, and then returning to the lake where it all began in Kawartha Lakes.
Glen’s father Orloe grew up in Janetville and while serving overseas in WWII his mother Mary taught school in Burnt River. Settling in Bethany after the war, Orloe became the barber and volunteer firefighter often using his station wagon as an ambulance, and Mary taught in the senior room of the two-room school. A family cottage was built on Four Mile Lake near Burnt River in the 1950s and reconnecting to the fond memories of the area only seemed natural to Glen when he bought his own cottage on the same lake for his family 30 years later.
Glen built a remarkably diverse and successful career in both the private and public sectors, initially as an entrepreneur in the insurance industry with Wright Mogg, and later as co-owner of a global supply chain company LeanCor LLC and LeanCor Canada Inc. He is the former Chair of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, Hydro One, and the public advisory committee of the Commission for Environmental Co-operation. He is the current Chair of the Council for Clean and Reliable Energy, a federally incorporated non-profit organization that provides a non-partisan forum for public dialogue on energy and climate policy.
Participating on corporate boards, including: the CBC, Wilfrid Laurier University, and several corporations in the technology, transportation, and insurance industries, as well as serving as a Waterloo municipal councillor, and a senior advisor to political leaders of all levels of government, demonstrates Glen’s dedication to building a better society.
As a permanent resident living on Four Mile Lake, he has found purpose in offering his expertise to local projects, in meeting new friends, and in contributing financially by establishing the Wright Family Fund as a legacy fund under the charitable organization the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes that will support community projects over the coming years. In 2020, his fund supported The Grove Theatre, an outdoor amphitheatre in Fenelon Falls.
“When asked about his commitment to the Community Foundation of Kawartha Lakes, Glen said, “the Community Foundation is a great way to have a lasting impact on our community. I encourage others to consider the Foundation as an organization to facilitate effective charitable giving.””